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Task Group 2.4

Structural Optimization

Mission Statement/Objectives

Research on structural optimization about bridge, building, and infrastructure, aiming to:

i) Make a good balance between structural performance and structural form.

ii) Create some new structure type, components or details through structural optimization way.

iii) Some new structural optimization algorithm.

Scope & Limitation

This TG is focused on the research of structural optimization on bridges, buildings and infrastructures, which could be constructed by traditional way and materials such concrete, steel or by some new way such 3D printing and some new materials such as FRP and UHPC, etc.

The main scope of this task group is to make some research on conceptual design through structural optimization way, trying to enhance the structural performance at the beginning of the design process.

Expected Project Output

Start Date:
October 3, 2023

Target Date of Completion: October 31, 2024

Luo Xiaoyu, China

Vice Chair

Thierno Seydou Ka, Singapore

Pen Changxuan, China

Cheng Xiang, China

Jungholzstrasse 28
8050 Zurich

Location: Map Info

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