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SEI Journal

Structural Engineering International (SEI) journal presents a unique blend of short profiles on recent structures and longer in-depth articles to practicing structural engineers in the form of reports of high scientific and technical standard. Articles are written by practicing engineers and academia from around the world and are reviewed by the IABSE SEI Editorial Board, with collaboration of over 250 experts and over 20 Correspondents. Members and subscribers receive the print version and can download all issues back to 1991.

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To read the current and past issues of SEI, please login to the members area (click on 'SEI online').  IABSE Members must log into the Members Area and then click on 'SEI Online' to have free access to SEI journal. Non-Members who wish to subscribe can get access via Taylor and Francis website: sign in here.  Sample SEI issues: Click Here (SEI Nov. 2017) (SEI Aug. 2017).

All technical articles are reviewed by the IABSE SEI Editorial Board, with collaboration of over 250 Reviewers over 20 Correspondents. In April 2012, the journal was selected by Thomson Reuters to be indexed in Web of Science ; Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch); Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition; Current Contents/Engineering, Computing, and Technology starting with Vol.20(1) 2010.

IABSE Peer Review stamps are given to papers that have passed through a highly selective review process and demonstrate a significant contribution to the state of structural engineering knowledge. The is supported by the internet based manuscript submission and review system ‘ScholarOne’ from Thomson Reuters. To recognise contributions of the highest quality, an Outstanding Paper Award is presented each year. Since 2010 the high standing of the journal is supported by the SEI Advisory Board.

SEI 2024

SEI February 2024: Special issue on ‘Assessment/Maintenance/Performance

Globally infrastracture is aging, while budgets allocated to assess and maintain structures are limited. It is therefore essential to develop and implement innovative assessment methods and procedures. This will make it possible to assess and maintain structures continuously and comprehensively over time. Moreover, new possibilities may arise with the emergence of low-cost, autonomous and/or passive sensor networks and big calculation possibilities, both in terms of numerical modelling and data analysis.  This is particularly important nowadays, in the face of increasing actions on structures, and the focus of the public on resilience and sustainable development.

An assessment of a structure might be realized and communicated in real time, based on monitoring data and Artifcial Intelligence-based data analysis methods. Based on this information, the best maintenance time and methods can be derived, particularly based on predictive strategies making it possible to derive predictive maintenance plans. Before and after maintenance activities, the performance of the infrastructure may be monitored by performance indicators, whose actual values may be communicated to the infrastructure owners and managers.

Therefore, the SEI Special Issue ‘Assessment/Maintenance/Performance’ invites Research and Development papers describing the development, testing and implementation of innovative assessment, maintenance and performance monitoring strategies, leveraging the possibilities of monitoring data and realizing best economical and budgetary practice. 

SEI May 2024: Recent Structures and Research in Latin America

SEI August 2024: Special issue on ‘Forensic Engineering’ and General Reports

The built infrastructure consists of increasingly complex structures which are, by nature, all prototypes. As technical products, failure of structures is possible, and gets even more likely with longer service life. However, failure of structures is relatively rare which is the basis of society’s trust in infrastructure. All cases of failure require careful analysis and assessment to provide a concise basis for litigation and to incorporate the findings in future risk mitigation strategies. Another special aspect of Forensic Engineering are the strongly different practices and cultures worldwide. This leads to very different approaches to forensic investigations in different countries. However, recent cases of structural failure have clearly proven the increasing importance of sound forensic analysis in a world of aging infrastructure. Therefore, the SEI Special Issue ‘Forensic Engineering’ invites Research and Development papers as well as Case Studies describing the analysis and assessment of structural failures, the use of the findings in risk mitigation, the corresponding influences on standardization and construction practices, and further subjects related to Forensic Engineering.

SEI November 2024: Recent Structures and Research 

SEI 2025

SEI February 2025: Recent Structures and Research in Japan

SEI May 2025: Rehabilitation of Structures

Submit full paper by April 30 here:

Following decades of intensive construction of structures (buildings, …) and infrastructures (roads, bridges, tunnels, dams, …), supplemented by limited inspection and maintenance budget, an increase in traffic road demand and intensity, change in building operational needs, and/or trend of more acute natural hazard stress demands that affects an aging structure are exposing the growing need to reassess, maintain, rehabilitate and reuse existing structures. Structural engineers are facing an increase demand for structural assessment and rehabilitation, at the same time as extending structures’ design lifetime, guaranteeing structural and operational safety and respecting structures’ heritage value.

This special issue aims to gather the most recent contributions involving the rehabilitation of existing structures. Potential topics include, but not limited to, are the following:

- Outstanding case studies: assessment, reconversion, rehabilitation;

- Rapid repair/recovery after extreme events;

- Design loads, specially addressing current and future natural hazards scenarios;

- Characterisation of materials and strengthening;

-  Fatigue analysis and diagnosis;

-  Design, performance requirements, guidelines and standards;

-  Monitoring and damage identification; 

The SEI Special Issue “Rehabilitation of Structures” invites both Case Studies, and Research and Development papers that can contribute with experience and knowledge on the topic.

SEI August 2025: Recent Structures and Research Worldwide

SEI November 2025: Artificial Intelligence in Structural Engineering

Full paper by 30 November 2024 here:

The Noticeable increase in recent use of artificial intelligence (AI) in structural engineering community suggests significant promise in offering new opportunities in the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of civil structures and infrastructure systems.

This special issue aims to gather the most recent contributions involving the AI applications in structural engineering.  Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- State-of-the-art AI tools (e.g., symbolic or logical AI, expert systems, supervised learning, unsupervised learning, semi-supervised learning, reinforcement learning, and physics-informed and/or knowledge-enhanced machine learning)

- AI applications to the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of structures and infrastructure systems

- AI applications in extreme hazard analyses (e.g., earthquake, hurricane, tsunami, blast, and others), and their implications for civil structures and infrastructure systems

- Recent advancements in structural engineering data collections, data-driven modeling, and machine learning algorithms

- AI applications in both computational and experimental structural engineering

Considering the focus of the journal, papers featuring case studies and practical applications are especially welcomed. In addition, review articles describing the current state of the art in some relevant topics are highly encouraged.


SEI: ISSN 1016-8664; E-ISSN 1683-0350.

Published: first week of February, May, August, November

Abstracted and indexed at:

  • Web of ScienceSM
  • Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch)
  • Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition
  • Current ContentsR/Engineering, Computing and Technology
  • CAB Abstracts database
  • Cambridge Scientific Abstracts under CSA Civil Engineering Abstracts
  • Construction and Building Abstracts (CBA)
  • Emerald Abstracts, International Civil Engineering Abstracts
  • Information Science for Physics, Electronics, and Computing (INSPEC).

The journal is included in the IABSE Membership.

Yearly subscription to only the journal is also possible.

Some of the Institutional Subscribers are: 

  • Georgia Tech. Library, Atlanta GA, USA
  • Lehigh University, Bethlehem PA, USA
  • M.I.T. Libraries, Cambridge MA, USA
  • Meijo Univ. Riko-Gakubu, Aichi, Japan
  • Princeton Univ., Princeton NJ, USA
  • Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea Rep.
  • Serials Office HAL, Monash Universîty, Clayton Vic., Australia
  • Stanford University, Stanford CA, USA
  • Univ. Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
  • Università di Trento, Trento, Italy
  • Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Karlsruhe, Germany
  • Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria.

Free Articles

Millau Viaduct - Ten years ago

The Millau Viaduct: Ten Years of Structural Monitoring

The Design and Construction of the World’s Tallest Building: The Burj - Khalifa, Dubai

The Impact of the Sunniberg Bridge on Structural Engineering, Switzerland


Starting 2018 onwards, Taylor & Francis is publishing and distributing SEI to all IABSE members and has taken over its subscription, sales and marketing. IABSE remains owner of the journal and the content continues to be under the responsibility of SEI Editorial Board. More information will soon be available.

SEI Editorial Board

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